为促进我校与国际一流大学的学术交流,华中大哲学学院特别邀请海德堡大学教授安东·弗利德里希·科赫(Anton Friedrich Koch)在“华中大-海德堡大讲堂”平台上进行五场关于黑格尔哲学的系列讲座。


安东·弗利德里希·科赫(Anton F. Koch, 1952-),曾任德国海德堡大学哲学系雅思贝尔斯-伽达默尔讲席教授(2009至2020),海德堡科学院院士(2008至今),国际知名的黑格尔哲学专家。曾先后执教于慕尼黑大学(1989-1991)、哈勒大学(1991-1996)、图宾根大学(1996-2009),也曾任美国亚特兰大埃默里大学(2009)、芝加哥大学客座教授(2016),研究重点为古希腊形而上学、德国古典哲学、语言分析哲学。科赫教授的著作包括《实践思维中的理性与感性》、《空间和时间中的主体性》、《主体与自然:笛卡尔和康德那里的“我思”的角色》、《试论真理与时间》、《真理、时间与自由:一个哲学理论的导论》(中译本2016年在人民出版社出版)、《逻辑空间的演化:黑格尔非标准形而上学论文集》、《解释学实在论》和《哲学与宗教》。
第一讲 从康德到黑格尔
From Kant to Hegel
Invited Speaker: Prof. Dr. Anton Friedrich Koch, 60 minutes
Chair: YI Gang (HUST, School of Philosophy)
Interlocuter: Assoc. Prof. ZHOUHUANG Zhengmi (Beijing Normal University)
Reply: Prof. Dr. Anton Friedrich Koch
The present lectures focus on Hegel’s main theoretical work, the Science of Logic. First, however, in this opening lecture, it is important to outline the philosophical context in which Hegel’s thought developed. Therefore, the philosophy between the publication of Kant’s Critique of Pure Reason (1781) and of Hegel’s first major work, the Phenomenology of Spirit (1807), is here considered in an overview (Kant, Reinhold, Fichte, Schelling, Hegel).
Kant had developed a novel kind of transcendental philosophy. For him, as for his predecessors Wolff and Baumgarten, “transcendental” basically meant pure, in the sense of completely free of empirical ingredients. The predecessors had conceived of metaphysics as a pure theory. Kant, however, reached the conclusion that not our theory of the being of things (metaphysics), but only our theory of our a priori cognition of things could be transcendental. His transcendental philosophy had two branches: a short one on sensibility and its general forms, space and time, which he called transcendental aesthetic, and a long one on thinking and its pure concepts, judgments and inferences, which he called transcendental logic.
The theory of valid thinking – inferring, judging and conceiving – had been called logic ever since antiquity. Kant called it general logic and distinguished it from transcendental logic, i.e. his new theory of a priori thinking about objects. With Hegel, this distinction appears in a new form: as that between an objective logic as the heir to Kantian transcendental logic and a subjective logic as the heir to general logic. Hegel’s objective logic consists of the Doctrine of Being and the Doctrine of Essence, the subjective logic is the Doctrine of the Concept. There is no room for an heir to Kant’s transcendental aesthetic within Hegel’s Logic, though, since space and time make their first appearance only in Hegel’s philosophy of nature.
第二讲 《精神现象学》到《逻辑学》
From thePhenomenology of Spiritto theScience of Logic
Invited Speaker: Prof. Dr. Anton Friedrich Koch, 60 minutes
Chair: TANG Zhiheng (HUST, School of Philosophy)
Interlocuter: Prof. ZHUANG Zhenhua (Shaanxi Normal University)
Reply: Prof. Dr. Anton Friedrich Koch
The Phenomenology of Spirit was conceived as an a priori science of the experience which human finite consciousness had made from its humble beginnings in post-animal sensuous perception to the eventual appearance of the true philosophical science: in Schelling’s (and Hegel’s early) theory of the Absolute as subject-object-identity. Its aim was to show that each shape of consciousness in a long series of such shapes was untrue and led to its respective successor, with the final shape, absolute knowing, collapsing consciousness as such into speculative pure thinking, the topic of the Logic. Later Hegel thought and said that the Science of Logic could be started right away without such preliminary work, directly by the mere decision to think purely and without presuppositions.
In this second lecture, after an overview of the programme of Phenomenology, we will ask (a) what it might mean to try to build up a presuppositionless theory and (b) how such a theory could be started. It will be shown that we need to distinguish between two levels of thinking: our own background theory or background logic, in which we (i.e. Hegel and his readers) design the intended foreground theory or foreground logic, which is pure thinking in the strict sense of the word. Then the first theme of the foreground logic, pure being, is introduced, and it is shown that pure logical foreground thinking and its theme are in fact identical: Pure and empty being is nothing other than the presuppositionless thinking of pure and empty being. Thus, the foreground logic and its object coincide.
第三讲 黑格尔的逻辑学(一):质
Hegel’s Logic I: Quality
Invited Speaker: Prof. Dr. Anton Friedrich Koch, 60 minutes
Chair: XU Min (HUST, School of Philosophy)
Interlocuter: Dr. XIONG Zhili (Peking University)
Reply: Prof. Dr. Anton Friedrich Koch
After the beginning of the Logic with – and as – pure being, the first moves within the Logic are now examined. We have to introduce a truth operation on pure being, and we have to do it in a presuppositionless way. What we find is the operation of negation. It operates on being and constitutes becoming, the infinitesimal big bang with which the evolution of logical space starts, a pre-temporal and pre-spatial evolution that turns out to be the very topic of the Logic. What accounts for the difference between being and becoming is then terminologically fixed as the pure, indeterminate Nothing: absolute negativity in its most inarticulate und indeterminate form.
The infinitesimal becoming collapses immediately into the first relatively stable state of logical space, which Hegel calls “Dasein” (being there) and identifies as pure quality. What follows is a survey of the logic of quality, which will be continued in the fourth lecture. This third lecture closes with the introduction of (a) the partitioning of logical space into Something and the Other and then (b) of the Other-of-itself as the first articulated form of absolute negativity, i.e. the first articulated counterpart of the pure, indeterminate and inarticulate Nothing that triggered the logical big bang of becoming.
第四讲 黑格尔的逻辑学(二):从有限性到本质
Hegel’s Logic II: From Finiteness to Essence
Invited Speaker: Prof. Dr. Anton Friedrich Koch, 60 minutes
Chair: YUAN Hui (HUST, School of Philosophy)
Interlocuter: Dr. XIONG Zhili (Peking University)
Reply: Prof. Dr. Anton Friedrich Koch
The logical space of quality is partitioned into something and its other by absolute, self-relating and non-well-founded negation, namely, by the other-of-itself. In our natural languages non-well-founded negation surfaces as the Paradox of the Liar, as in “The sentence you are presently reading is not true”. This paradox is evidence of the basic logical antinomy of the operation of negation and thus of the basic antinomy of thinking as such. Hegel’s Science of Logic must deal with this antinomy right from the very beginning and must offer ever new candidates for a solution of the antinomy. But each candidate soon proves to be insufficient. The evolution of logical space must therefore go on and on, thereby setting free more and more categorial contents such as the finite, the infinite and being-for-self with its various sub-categories, which then terminates the logic of quality and leads to the logic of quantity where the game of coping with inconsistencies is continued in a new style. Quality is the determinateness that is identical with determinate being, while quantity is the determinateness external to determinate being. But in the end quantity turns into quality again and becomes measure: the immediate unity of quality and quantity. The logic of measure then completes the logic of being and makes the progression to a new logical sphere necessary, that of essence. This fourth lecture gives an overview of these developments. In particular it turns out to be very difficult not to let the Science of Logic end in an antinomy, namely in the logical catastrophe of the total, “all-sided” (in German: “allseitig”) contradiction of absolute indifference with which the logic of being stops. But eventually, on the deviation via absolute appearance (absolute shine, in German: “absoluter Schein”), we get into the sought-after logic of essence.
第五讲 黑格尔的逻辑学(三):
Hegel’s Logic III: The Concept – and the Progression to Nature and Spirit
Invited Speaker: Prof. Dr. Anton Friedrich Koch, 60 minutes
Chair: YI Gang (HUST, School of Philosophy)
Interlocuter: Assoc. Prof. JIA Hongyu (Chang’ An University)
Reply: Prof. Dr. Anton Friedrich Koch
This fifth and final lecture takes up some central themes from the logic of the concept, i.e. from Hegel’s so-called subjective logic. Both terms, “logic of the concept” and “subjective logic” can be misleading; the first term because, apart from the concept as such, many other topics are treated in the logic of the concept (such as judgement, syllogism, mechanism, chemism, teleology, life as the immediate idea, the idea of cognition and the absolute idea); the second term because the middle section of the logic of the concept (out of three) is entitled “objectivity” (treating the aforementioned mechanism, chemism and teleology), which seems to be out of place in a “subjective logic”. Hegel research has often puzzled over how all this fits together, and has also doubted that life could be an appropriate subject for a logic. But these doubts can be shown to be groundless. It is much more difficult to show (a) that the Logic does not end in an inconsistency or antinomy, but reaches an affirmative fixed point in the absolute idea, and once again more difficult to show (b) that nevertheless a progress from the Logic to Hegel’s so-called “Realphilosophie” (the philosophy of nature and the philosophy of spirit) must be made. These topics are discussed in the fifth lecture, and a outlook into the Realphilosophie (and thus into Hegel’s system of philosophy as a whole) is given.